Using Dynamic Parameters in Facebook Ads

Nakoa.Digital – Using Dynamic Parameters in Facebook Ads

Measuring the success of your (advertising) campaigns is extremely important. Most marketers use Google Analytics for this, which is perhaps the best (free) analytics software. However, Google Analytics is only useful if you provide (non-Google) campaigns with the right tracking information.


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You can provide any link for parameters such as utm_source, utm_medium or utm_campaign. For Facebook campaigns, however, you must always enter this manually, and especially if you have many campaigns with different advertisement sets and advertisements, it is rather difficult and time-consuming to keep this accurate.

Luckily, Facebook recently introduced parameters. There are now some parameters available, among them the ones below:

  • Source = {{site_source_name}}
  • Placement = {{placement}}
  • Ad id = {{}}
  • Adset id = {{}}
  • Campaign id = {{}}
  • Ad name = {{}}
  • Adset name = {{}}
  • Campaign name = {{}}

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Patrick ist unser Head of Retail Media. Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Verkauf auf Marktplätzen berät er dich zu Marketing und Content Themen. Zudem unterstützt er dich beim passenden Marktplatz-Setup, um das Wachstum deines Unternehmens zu beschleunigen. Contact him by mail or by phone at +49 89 215 276 60.