Organic traffic increase of more than 10600% in only 2 months
The Munich-based fashion label L.Credi has successfully increased its organic traffic to its online shop by working with Nakoa. Through search engine optimised content, the L.Credi brand was able to achieve significant growth in keywords, as well as a better placement for the TOP keywords in the Google rankings. The result after only 2 months was a traffic growth of 542% overall. Individual pages that had optimised Nakoa were even able to increase organic traffic by 10600%.
Awesome results
Traffic increase overall
After the go-live of the new pages, L.Credi’s online shop increased its organic traffic by over 542%.
Keywords overall
In the space of just two months, the number of keywords ranking in the top 100 on Google has increased by more than 12%.
Keywords Clutch category page
120% more keywords on the category page Clutch.
Traffic increase on the Clutch category page
Insane 10600% increase in organic traffic on the Clutch category page.
The Munich-based brand L.Credi is known for producing quality handbags that are in tune with the pulse of the times. So far, we as Nakoa have successfully brought the client L.Credi through positioning on several marketplaces and digital marketing. Now the client has asked us to boost their SEO performance. Our SEO team took on the challenge of optimising L.Credi’s online shop for search engines in just 2 months – with overwhelming success!
This is how we proceeded…
First, we analysed the entire domain We noticed that there were a handful of URLs whose SEO potential had not yet been exploited. Therefore, we focused on a small but fine selection of 5 category pages:
- Hobo Bags
- Purses
- Clutches
- Handle Bag
- Handbag
First, we conducted a keyword research to find the appropriate main keywords and secondary keywords with the appropriate search intent for these category pages. Then we carried out an analysis of which topics and terms should be worked on in the respective category pages in order to experience an improvement. With this knowledge, we got to work and created search engine optimised content that is also palatable to users. As part of the overall package, the headline structure and the meta information were also adapted.
In a period of only 2-3 months, our agency was able to record significant improvements in organic traffic through the SEO content. Consistently all optimised category pages have experienced an improvement in organic traffic and in the number of keywords. Several hundred percent increase in traffic and new keywords, as well as improvement in the placement of old keywords was the result of only 2-3 months of work. Whoever thinks that SEO is always long-term, was shown a prime example with the customer case that SEO can also achieve success directly and in a very short time.

Need help?
Patrick ist unser Head of Retail Media. Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Verkauf auf Marktplätzen berät er dich zu Marketing und Content Themen. Zudem unterstützt er dich beim passenden Marktplatz-Setup, um das Wachstum deines Unternehmens zu beschleunigen. Contact him by mail or by phone at +49 89 215 276 60.