Amazon unifies brand names

Nakoa.Digital – Amazon unifies brand names

In early September, Amazon is unifying its marketing services. What was previously known as Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), Amazon Media Group (AMG) and the Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP) will now be managed under the umbrella of Amazon Advertising. This means that the search and display divisions will be merged, probably also to enable easier usability in the future. In the future, the Amazon advertising platform will be called Amazon DSP in order to emphasize the programmatic capabilities of the portal more and to put more pressure on top dogs like Google in this area. Google itself recently carried out a similar rebranding, the relatively independent portals DoubleClick, AdWords, Analytics and co. were unified under the 360 ​​suite. In the portals themselves, status does not change that much now.


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What will actually change for you as a user or customer?
Nothing for now. In fact, Amazon’s rebranding process currently only affects a few namings, after the former Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) received a major functionality update a few weeks ago. However, the renaming of the brands is only the first step in a larger campaign that has already been announced in the USA. At the moment, the interaction between the marketing portals is still rather vague. Due to the high entry barriers in the display area, cross-channel marketing is only reserved for the top players. Small advertisers cannot realistically find the minimum budget or can only compensate with high sales improvements. This should get better in the future.
How important is Amazon in the customer journey?
Amazon is an optimal sales channel, also because millions of German users arrive there with a purchase wish. Therefore it is essential to be represented there. On the one hand, this affects the availability of the products, on the other hand, it also affects the placement of advertising. With the help of Sponsored Product Ads, Sponsored Brand Ads and Product Display Ads, sales can be significantly increased. This type of advertising is possible for both sellers and vendors.
Amazon follows Google and simplifies its product portfolio. AMS, AAP and AMG will become Amazon Advertising in the future. This is intended to reduce complexity and eliminate the silo mentality of the individual platforms. In order to catch up with advertising giants like Google and Facebook, however, many improvements are needed. But Amazon is diligently implementing this and could generate a large part of its sales with advertising in the future.
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